The Monument
2021. Chacoal and Acrylic on Canvas. 400 cm x 250 cm
Show at ArtJog 2021, Indonesia.
"The Monument is part of the series of works by Pramuhendra called The Memories, which he has been working on for several years. Drawing inspiration from the French painter Eugene Delacroix's work, Liberty Leading the People (1830), this work is a double homage or tribute for Pramuhendra. The first is a tribute to the idea of 'freedom' depicted in the original painting. The second tribute is related to Pramuhendra's memories of his late father, who first introduced young Pramuhendra to the paintings of European masters. Memories of his father, the leader in his family, intersect with the ideas of freedom during the French Revolution, which were championed through the leadership of a goddess."
The Monument
2021. Chacoal and Acrylic on Canvas. 400 cm x 250 cm